After almost 5 years in Wimbledon I'm starting to look at moving back in with my parents for a while to save money. I'll stay in my job but commute (maybe I'm crazy).
The agreement with my landlord means I'm currently looking for someone to take my room.
-If you're interested you can find the ad on Spare Room -
Anyway here's the check list I'm working through at the moment:
- tell housemates
- tell landlord
- take pictures
- create advert
- find day for viewings when flatmates are around
- viewings with selected applicants
- get feedback from flatmates on who they liked
- confirm with chosen person
- introduce to landlord
- pass on details around bills
- sort day to handover keys
- changing my address EVERYWHERE
- clearing out
- taking things to the charity shop
- fixing bits
- booking a van
- sorting my train season ticket
- book parking space
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