13 for 2013: An actual date

So last night I went on an actual date with an actual man from the internet and in spite of requests I did not 'live tweet it'. I'm not going to say much about him other than that I liked him more than I thought I would (I had low expectations about internet dating not of him I should add) and I'm hoping we meet up again - but then you never know with dating.


Now I'm going to spew some random thoughts at you about the process.

  • Let your friends know when and where you're meeting - not only for safety reasons but because you'll get funny messages when you next check you're phone. I good friend will not show up at this venue. 
  • I think dating might aid my weight loss because I get nervous before hand and don't feel like eating (weirdo)
  • You're going to be nervous so do something to calm yourself down first - I went for a spot of window shopping and checked out the bags in Topshop
  • Sitting down is good - it makes you feel more relaxed and makes chatting easier especially if there's a height difference
  • Do you talk about the whole internet dating thing? we did briefly - I'm not sure about it
  • Rounds are good - it give you a chance to check those phone messages plus bill splitting etc
  • I have no idea how to tell if someone likes me / if it was good date
  • Hello's and goodbyes are, as I'd been told, the most awkward parts of the date
  • I'm not into games so I text the next day to say thank you etc.do you?
Anyway tomorrow I hope to post some actual craft stuff on here I just need to write up a pattern.

