Weekend of Wonder and Wands

So yesterday I went on the Harry Potter Studio Tour. It was amazing, and magical and so much better than I hoped that it would be. We even had butter beer! I don't want to give too much away in case you go but the amount of work they put into those films... the details are unbeliveable. I had never noticed the murals on the wall of the great hall for instance.

If you can go and you like the films try and get a ticket it's worth it! None of us are fanatics but we still had a great time and were there over 2 and a half hours.

Today I went to the gym. My step instructor was running a class in aid of an MS charity and some of the women were laying on a raffel, wine and cakes. One of the members had died of MS last year and his wife was organising the fundraising with her friends. It was a lovely chance for me to get to know some more people at the gym and to give to a cause close to me a relitive of mine suffered with it too. I had a great time with the girls from step and the cake was devine too!

How about some Harry Potter pictures...

Sorry about the quality, my phone was not happy with the lighting! ... I really nees a grown up camera!

Hope you had a good weekend too :)
