
So a while back now (all the way back in last year), we went to see Yuck at the Wedgewoodrooms.

First up were Gross Magic they were actually pretty good although the bad hair and grungy hipster/homeless person clothes kinda annoyed me a bit. Oh and the singer seems to be trying to sound as pathetic as he can. That said I couple of their songs were really good, I just think it might have been improved with a female singer maybe (I'm most likely going to be attached by some angry teenagers if they ever read this).

Pretty sure these guys were lucky not to pass out drunk on stage but they were still good. Less banter than a lot of the other bands I'd seen this year which was disappointing but hey, they had batter hair than Gross Magic!  The singer kept his coat on for a large amount of the set, maybe to try and sweat out some of the alcohol? The band has some great songs though and played well, Georgia being a highlight for me (but then it is for me on the album too) as well as the hair. Just in general this band has some awesome haircuts.
