Crafting Christmas Part 1

I made a couple of Christmas presents this year for friends and family, next year I hope to do even more but as it is I put together some hot chocolate kits for people with biscuits, marshmallow and hot chocolate stirrers.

 For the chocolate stirrers I melted two bars plan chocolate and used a large ice cube tray as a mould making 12 cubes. The lolly sticks I placed in just as the surface was starting to set so that they stayed straight.

 The marshallow was my favourite to make, I was very very proud of myself when I'd finished. You can find the recipe on the bbc food website, they're really tasty!

These lovelies are chocolate chip cupcakes from Harry Eastwood's Red Velvet and Chocolate Heartache; a firm favourite of mine. The ones with the cherries on top have some cherry jam added, all of them I finished with some edible silver spray :)
