I've had the week off! It's been rather nice catching up on sleep and catching up with friends.
Saturday night we went out for a friends birthday and I saw some people I'd not seen in aaages.
Sunday was mainly sent chatting in pub gardens - until it got chilly. I also made myself pancakes for breakfast (yes I am a messy cook but that's part of the fun).

Monday we went to Beaulieu and checked out lots of cars. It was better than I make it sound see...

Today I've been watching Prison Break Season 1 and hanging out with a very special lady. We went for a walk in the woods and had lunch in the cafe.

Isn't she cute? Isla is 7 and likes to drink from the bottle like a little lamb. She wore herself out a lot running up and down hills chasing birds, looking for birds etc. (she likes birds a lot but luckily has never managed to catch one!)
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