I love me a young adult novel every now and again. I'm sure you realised that from my John Green obsession... but I'm not just talking the more high brow books, I'm talking proper Twilight style trash here.
Beautiful Creatures is an easy read, forbidden love blah blah witches, good vs evil etc. The plot is fairly obvious, but the action does pick up towards the end and I stormed through the last couple of chapters. It's also been made into a movie which I haven't seen so can't compare. That does however mean that you'll be able to pick a copy up fairly cheaply now although it will have a tacky movie tie in cover :/ I hate those.
Gone was recommended to me by someone in Waterstones along with
Knife of Never Letting Go (awesome book) after I bought
Catching Fire. It's a teenage dystopian novel set in a town where all the adult disappear. From there it just gets weirder for all the characters this is the first is a crazy long series and I haven't read the others but I'm tempted. The book was good and pacey and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I think I prefer Hunger Games (book 1) and The Knife of Never Letting Go/Chaos Walking series though.
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